Donations & Bequests

The RSL Care WA Retirement and Aged Care Association Incorporated, trading as Acacia Living Group (ABN 4412 1436162) is a registered charity. We take great pride in offering the very best services in aged care, community care and retirement village lifestyle options, throughout Western Australia.

As set out in our Constitution, Acacia Living Group is committed to the charitable objects for which the Association is established, and includes: 

  • To provide and operate facilities for the aged and infirm in Western Australia, including for veterans and their dependants, and for persons in necessitous circumstances;
  • To provide care and assistance of the highest standard for aged and infirm persons. 

Acacia Living Group is dedicated to ensure that the property and income of the Association is applied solely towards the promotion of the charitable objects of the Association, and in no part of that property or income is paid or distributed, directly or indirectly, to Members.

Over many years, we have been honoured to receive Donations and Bequests from time to time. These heartfelt and generous contributions have played a significant role, ensuring our dedication to provide and grow our diversified services continues.

Through a range of donations and bequests, we have been able to transform bricks and mortar into much needed accommodation, thriving community centres and dedicated residential and community aged care facility services. We have invested in updating equipment, services and supplies, as well as provided extended guidance, care and compassion to senior members of our community in need of extra help in difficult times.

We also understand that more often than not, moving into a retirement village or residential aged care facility, is also accompanied by some considerable time making significant lifestyle decisions and planning for the future.

It is important for all Australians to make a legal Will and to ensure it is kept current. By doing so, it enables you to be in control and formalise the recipients of your assets and possessions, and ensures that your family and loved ones will be provided and cared for, as per your express wishes.

If you are considering a Donation or Bequest to Acacia Living Group in your Will, we strongly suggest that you seek the advice of your solicitor so that for your own peace of mind, your intentions are understood and all details, including any tax implications on your Estate, are clearly identified, stated, and legally documented.

The gift of a Donation or Bequest to Acacia Living Group helps us to continue our legacy for the care and well-being of senior West Australians for the future, and when the time comes for a Donation or Bequest to mature, your generous gift will be recognised in a meaningful way, in perpetuity by Acacia Living Group.